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منح دراسية بكندا تحت إشراف شركة طوطال | TOTAL

منح دراسية بكندا تحت إشراف شركة طوطال | TOTAL

منح دراسية بكندا تحت إشراف شركة طوطال | TOTAL

$30,000 Walton Scholarships at UBC, Canada – Apply! In the event that you have enthusiasm for instruction and research and you are either an International Student, a Permanent Resident or a Citizen of Canada, at that point the $30,000 

Scholarships offered at the University of British Columbia (UBC), can be yours! The Canadian Council for Arts, Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and the University of British Columbia are banding together to offer this mouth-watering grants to chose International Students, 

PR or Citizens. This grant program was made to help propelled instruction and research at five Canadian colleges and the Canada Council for the Arts. Those to profit by this investigation grant are understudies looking for induction into or those enlisted in Health Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities. 

 An aggregate of 15 – 20 understudies will get this honor of $30,000 per annum and a $2,000 stipend for inquire about related go amid the two years of the grant. 

 Step by step instructions to Apply: Applicants present their application materials to the College of Graduate Studies. Candidates may submit finish application shapes specifically to 

or present a hard (paper) duplicate to the College of Graduate Studies

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