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Lead Product Manager, Websites Doha, Qatar

Lead Product Manager, Websites Doha, Qatar

 Lead Product Manager, Websites Doha, Qatar

Al Jazeera Media Network  is a media possessed by the State of Qatar, it propelled the mother of Arab direct in 1996, which made Arab and universal progress permitted it to extend its circle.


Al Jazeera Media Network  Doha, Qatar

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Job Details

Lead Product Manager, Websites is required

Job Description

 Lead Product Manager, Websites responsible :

  • Characterize, groom, and organize client stories for each run. 
  • Work intimately with designing groups and program the board to convey items to advertise 
  • Proactively distinguish and resolve key issues that may hinder the group's capacity to meet key and specialized objectives. 
  • Keep up venture controls that precisely reflect finished neutralize venture plans, calendars, and spending plans. 
  • Build up a confided in counselor relationship with publication partners and specialized undertaking leads. 
  • Work together with other item proprietors on conditions. 
  • Constantly drive item improvement towards a significant harmony between client needs, business targets, asset usage, and specialized practicality.

Education and Experience

  • Involvement in web advances, for example, Angular, React, Vue 
  • Experience working with originators and inventive groups to create astounding client encounters 
  • Involvement in Agile programming advancement technique. 
  • Enthusiasm for both innovation and world issues. 
  • Experience taking a shot at advanced media stages, web innovation and measures, cloud administrations, and portable application stages. 
  • Solid verbal and composed relational abilities, with exhibited experience drawing in and affecting senior administrators. 
  • High tender loving care. 
  • Experience organizing complex item improvement cycles and programming advancement plans. 
  • solid systematic and quantitative aptitudes with the capacity to go through information and measurements to back suspicions, suggestions, and drive activities. 
  • Capacity to think deliberately and execute efficiently. 
  • Demonstrated reputation of taking proprietorship and effectively conveying outcomes in a quick paced, dynamic condition. 
  • History of cooperation and eagerness to focus in to take care of business.


  • Exhibited capacity to comprehend and talk about specialized ideas, oversee tradeoffs, and assess pioneering new thoughts with inside and outer partners. 
  • Demonstrated capacity to deal with different, contending needs at the same time. 
  • Experience conveying shopper programming items and administrations in a high development condition. 
  • Hands on involvement in Jira, Confluence, or related apparatuses. 
  • Familiarity with English and Arabic.

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