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Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist in the USA

Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist in the USA

 Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist in the USA

Stantec is a Canadian designing organization situated in Edmonton. It is the third biggest building organization in Quebec. Perceived for its ability in vitality in industry and framework.


Stantec is a Canadian designing organization situated in Edmonton.

Job Details

Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist is required

Job Description

  • Follow safe work rehearses and follow organization rules and approaches. 
  • Advancement of mine water the executives draws near, including groundwater relief ,
  • Execution of hydrogeological and geochemical portrayals, structure and examination of spring tests, information investigation and strong aptitudes recorded as a hard copy specialized reports,
  • Numerical displaying of the progression of water and the vehicle of the control in soaked and unsaturated layers.

Education and Experience

  • M.S. in hydrogeology is required, preferred doctorate.
  • 20 years of experience.
  • Strong technical writing skills.
  • Professional registration (PG or PE)
  • Ability to develop a solid network on the international market.
  • Organizational, technical, leadership communication, exceptional written and oral communication.


  • With a good experience in accounting and office admin works
  • Candidate should have experience in UAE for 1 year at least
  • Candidate should be a female and have a bachelor degree
  • Should be able to speak Arabic and English.

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