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Secretarial jobs in Saudi Arabia

Secretarial jobs in Saudi Arabia

 Secretarial jobs in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Aramcos Industrial Relations (IR) Business line is devoted to building, keeping up and upgrading the connections the Company creates with individuals and establishments inside the Kingdom and around the globe. It is through the IR business line that the Company thinks about the wellbeing,


Saudi Aramcos Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures is the corporate wandering auxiliary of Saudi Aramco.

Job Details

Secretarial is required

Job Description

Secretaries are utilized in law workplaces, money related organizations and government workplaces. The position may fluctuate from office to office however the key obligations of a legitimate secretary stay standard.

Education and Experience

  • Applicable preparing or capability 
  • Handling, introductions and database the executives 
  • Information on neighborhood, state and government documenting rules 
  • Information on authoritative and administrative strategies 
  • Translation and composing aptitudes


  • Verbal and composed relational abilities ,secrecy ,data the board ,judgment and dynamic ,client care direction ,dependability ,stress resistance.

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