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Jobs in Canada Secretarial Jobs in Canada

Secretarial Jobs in Canada
 Secretarial Jobs

 Jobs in Canada Secretarial Jobs in Canada

  • Sunnybrook Our main goal is to think about our patients and their families when it makes a difference most. 
  • Our vision is to design the fate of medicinal services. 
  • Our qualities are: greatness, joint effort, responsibility, regard and commitment.


Sunnybrook's momentous research changes the manner in which patients are treated the world over

Job Details

Medical Secretary

Job Description

To offer clinical secretarial help administrations to doled out doctors at the Odette Cancer Centre,grants and original copy submissions,monitoring and helping patients,coordinating doctor plans.

Education and Experience

  • Requires effective finishing of a perceived Medical Office Administration program/certificate or proportional at the junior college level, in addition to at least two (2) years related commonsense experience. 
  • Past experience overseeing O.R. appointments booking 
  • Thought will be given to competitors with an equal mix of applicable instruction and working experience. 
  • Shown capability and propelled information in Microsoft Office, explicitly Outlook and Word required; Excel liked.


  • Demonstrated precise keyboarding (least net speed of 40 wpm) required. 
  • Demonstrated capability in English punctuation, with magnificent verbal and composed correspondence and understanding aptitudes. 
  • All around created hierarchical, prioritization and time the executives aptitudes so as to comply with various time constraints. 
  • Capacity to work freely and proficiently with insignificant oversight.

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