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Jobs in Canada Staff is required for INSPQ Québec

Jobs in Canada Staff is required for INSPQ  Québec

 Jobs in Canada Staff is required for INSPQ  Québec

INSPQ  Public Health Expertise and Reference Center Québec Our objective is to advance knowledge and skills, to propose strategies as well as intersectoral actions likely to improve the state of health and well-being of the population. .


INSPQ  Public Health Expertise and Reference Center Québec.

Job Details

  • Scientific advisor with knowledge of the health and social services sector and from various disciplines such as: sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, nursing, epidemiology and mathematics;
  • Biostatistician;
  • Specialist in biological, physical and health sciences;
  • Computer analyst;
  • Laboratory technician;
  • Technical and office staff.

Job Description

Under the authority of the director of scientific and quality development, the person holding this position plans, deploys, monitors and adjusts the activities related to the Partnerships and transversal expertise unit (evaluation, research and equity (PETERE)).

Education and Experience

  • Hold graduate training in a discipline appropriate to the mandate with relevant experience or any other training relevant to the position.
  • Have a minimum of 8 years of experience in the desired field and at least 2 years in a management position.
  • Know the approaches and methods related to public health program evaluation.
  • Master the good practices of remote management and results-based management.
  • Master good practices in project management and continuous improvement.
  • Understand the practices related to the fight against social inequalities in health and intersectoral action in favor of health.


  • Have good political skills and demonstrate managerial courage.
  • Demonstrate collaborative leadership with clients and partners.
  • Ability to work under pressure within tight deadlines.
  • Have an excellent command of the French language and a good knowledge of the spoken and written English language.

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INSPQ  Québec

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